Turbo Prep
To the right, almost hidden by the clutch slave cylinder, you can see a 90° fitting. This takes the place of an oil gallery plug at the very rear of the engine block. This will be fitted to a braided steel hose that will pump oil up to the turbocharger. I got very lucky in removing the plug; other people from TheDieselStop had reported that removing this plug could prove to be extremely difficult. For me, the plug came out with relatively little effort. However, unlike others, I was prepared to have a problem, and began (instead of finishing, as usual ;) ) the attempt to remove this plug armed with a pair of vise-grips. The removal of this plug proved to be anticlimatic.
There are two subtle differences pictured here. First, if you look at the lower edge of the firewall in the center, the right side has been bent back. I used a long pole (actually, the same pole that was used when we removed the heads) levered against the edge of the block to bend it back. Second, the vacuum block has been moved 3 inches to the passenger's side of the truck, and three inches up. This is from ATS's install manual, presumably in order ot keep the vacuum block from being damaged by exhaust heat. You can also see the nylon hose going to my mechanical oil pressure gauge. I think I can leave the hose location where it is, but I may need to move it. I won't know until after the turbo's installed.
Removing external parts and accessories
Heads, gaskets, and the block after head removal
Removing timing gear cover and camshaft
Cleaning the ins and outs of the engine
Final engine block cleaning with compresed air
Assembling and testing the oil cooler
First steps of modifications for the turbocharger
Comparing the stock head bolts to ARP studs (lengthy!)
Installing the intake manifold and injector pump
Assembling and installing the turbocharger